Binary Ninja Plugins
Binary Ninja is a reverse engineering tool created by Vector 35. These are some plugins I have written in order to accomplish certain reversing tasks:
Metasploit Framework
I have been an active contributor for the Metasploit Framework since 2011, and have earned the highest committer status since Nov 2015 (data from OpenHub). Most of my work at Metasploit can be found on the Github repository as an author or an assignee, but it does not include records from the SVN days.
This is currently a private repository. It is a PoC framework for exploits written in C++.
Link: N/A
This is a repository that hosts a collection of vulnerable cases I have written for experimental purposes. Sometimes I may throw in proofs on how to exploit them, as well. If you are interested in exploit development, you may want to check this out.
This is a C++ example of how to use Microsoft’s AMSI API to perform a malware scan with C++. The purpose of AMSI is to allow you to integrate your application to support malware scanning, but it is beneficial for offensive research too.
This is an EXPERIMENTAL tool written in Ruby that allows pentesters to go through screenshots with a GUI, and identify potentially easy targets to exploit. It is no longer maintained.
This is a Ruby tool that is intended for vulnerability researchers to collect Microsoft patches quickly from their security bulletins. It has a modular design that allows you to find patches from different search engines (such as Technet, or Google). This repository is no longer maintained, but worked great when I needed to find patches for Internet Explorer or other Microsoft products.